UTEX LB 2723
Batophora occidentalis

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Algae Details

UTEX Number: 2723
Class: Chlorophyceae
Strain: Batophora occidentalis
Media: Dasycladales Seawater Medium
Description of Location:
Type Culture: No
Isolator Number:
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About The Dasycladales Macroalgae Collection

The Dasycladales are among the most improbable unicellular organisms that exist. They represent an order of green algae that already existed during the Cambrium period, 570 million years ago. With only 11 extant genera of the Dasycladales alive today—indicating an extinction of this order is at hand, recent species have been designated "living fossils." Well-preserved fossil relicts together with the availability of recent species have allowed paleontologists to gain detailed insight into the evolution of a plant order. These large unicellular organisms make them especially well-suited research objects for the study of different aspects of cell biology in order to understand basic phenomena of life. They are so large that one can enucleate a single cell with one's bare hands, and both nucleate and enucleate portions can survive and even exhibit potential for development for some weeks.

This unique collection of Dasycladales cultures was originally set up at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology by renowned researchers in cell biology: Joachim Hämmerling (1901-1980) and Hans-Georg Schweiger (1927-1986). The collection was then deposited at UTEX in 2002 by Dr. Sigrid Berger who maintained these fascinating organisms up until the Max Planck Institute closed.

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Strain Information Only

Some algal strains are no longer available to purchase at UTEX. Since many research articles and publications—especially older references—may still cite a specific UTEX strain, we will continue to provide all available strain data we have for reference and/or informational purposes. Sometimes these unavailable strains might have a relative or sister copy listed in the "Algae Details" section, possibly providing an alternative Culture Collection to acquire it from.

You can also try using the "Search by Strain" feature of the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) website, to see what other Culture Collections might carry it.

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