Chloromonas hohamii

Condition: Xenic

Medium Type: Agar Slant

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Algae Details

UTEX Number: SNO153
Class: Chlorophyceae
Strain: Chloromonas hohamii
Medium: Soil Extract Medium (SE)
Origin: Mt Lemmon, Arizona, USA
Description of Location:
GPS: elevation 2591-2791m, 8500-9157'
Type Culture: No
Collection: R.W. Hoshaw, R.W. Hoham (4/26/87)
Isolation: R.W. Hoham
Isolator Number: CU 565H1
Deposition: R.W. Hoham (11/29/06)
Also Known As:

About The Snow Algae (SNO) Collection

The culture collection of snow algae maintained by Dr. Ron Hoham at Colgate University has been deposited in the Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas at Austin. The strains in this collection have all been isolated from snow and have been maintained at temperatures below 6 °C since their isolation. This collection includes isolates from eastern and western North America collected over a 35-year time period, and also includes isolates from Antarctica. Multiple isolates of the same taxon are maintained to permit research at the population level.

Most of the algae in this collection are members of Chlorophyta, but several strains are yellow-green algae (Xanthophyceae) and a few are golden algae (Chrysophyceae). Nearly all strains in the collection have been cryopreserved and in the future will be maintained at UTEX only at liquid nitrogen temperature.

These strains will survive transport at room temperature and that is the most reliable way to ship, but there is concern from the depositor that allowing them to warm during shipment may select for genotypes that are not as cold-adapted. Cultures will be shipped in a large styrofoam cooler box with ice pack.

View other strains in this collection

Strains that are maintained only in cryopreservation (designated 'cryo only') require a minimum of 4-weeks to grow out before shipment.

Cryopreservation Conditions

Temperature: 5 °C
Storage: Vapor phase of liquid nitrogen dewars

Cryopreservation stabilizes genomic integrity, preserves culture quality, minimizes maintenance costs and reduces the risk of catastrophic loss. A broad variety of techniques employed at the CCAP, at UTEX, and elsewhere, can be found in Day, J.G. and Brand, J.J. Cryopreservation Methods for Maintaining Microalgal Cultures, in Algal Culturing Techniques, ed. R. A. Andersen, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006. A relatively simple method that uses a minimum of specialized equipment, yet allows a large variety of microalgae to be cryopreserved with high viability, can be found on the Cryopreservation of Microalgae page.

Preparation of Strains Maintained Only In Cryopreservation For Orders

Strains that are maintained only in cryopreservation (cryo only) require a minimum of 4-weeks to thaw, grow out, and check viability before shipment. An estimated shipping date will be emailed when purchased. Updates via email will be sent if the strain is ready sooner or needs to be delayed further.

One tube of agar or liquid culture constitutes an order for a single culture of a single strain of living algae. UTEX makes no attempt to quantify the number of organisms or other characteristics of the culture. UTEX only guarantees the identity of the organism as specified in the strain history.

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