Hemichloris cf. antarctica

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Algae Details

UTEX Number: EE62
Class: Chlorophyceae
Strain: Hemichloris cf. antarctica
Medium: Bristol Medium (BRI)
Origin: Linnaeus Terrace, Antarctica
Description of Location: sandstone with cryptoendolithic growth
Type Culture: No
Collection: E.I. Friedmann (1980)
Isolation: R.O. Friedmann
Isolator Number:
Deposition: E.I. Friedmann
Relatives: CCMEE 193 A801-142
Also Known As:

About The Extreme Environment (EE) Collection

Extreme Environment Algae are strains of terrestrial algae collected from various extreme environments such as Antarctica and the Gobi Desert. This collection maintained by Dr. Imre Friedmann has been deposited in the Culture Collection of Algae at The University of Texas. These strains have now been cryopreserved and are maintained in indefinite storage under liquid nitrogen. Some of them are well documented and their characteristics described; others have only been identified to family. Information on the documented strains will be added to this web site as time permits. The extreme environment algae collection was deposited in 2003 and formally accessioned into UTEX February 2005.

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Strain Information Only

Some algal strains are no longer available to purchase at UTEX. Since many research articles and publications—especially older references—may still cite a specific UTEX strain, we will continue to provide all available strain data we have for reference and/or informational purposes. Sometimes these unavailable strains might have a relative or sister copy listed in the "Algae Details" section, possibly providing an alternative Culture Collection to acquire it from.

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