UTEX 640
Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Condition: Axenic

Medium Type: Agar Slant

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Algae Details

UTEX Number: 646
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Strain: Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Media: Soil Extract + Sodium Metasilicate Medium (SE+Si)
Description of Location:
Type Culture: No
Isolation: M.B. Allen
Isolator Number:
Deposition: CCAP (3/55)
Relatives: UTEX 642, UTEX 2090; CCAP 1052/1B aka Barker's HMS Z912 from the Plymouth strain, SMBA 307, CCAP 1052/1A; SAG 1090-1b, SAG 1090-1a; SAG 1090-1a; Plymouth 100; IAM B-9, IAM B- 15; NIBB 3002
Also Known As: Nitzschia closterium
Notes: this is a marine isolate growing in freshwater medium; 1976 renamed (George 1976); high EPA/lipid content (Yongmanitchae & Ward 1991); (Lewin 1958, Lewin & Lewin 1960); In 1974, J.C. Lewin (pers. Comm.) identified some of our Nitzchia cultures as Phaeodactylum [see UTEX 640, 642, 646 & 2089] with the following explanation: "Oval cells of Phaeodactylum occur in cultures kept on agar. There is a gradual transformation back to the fusiform state, after oval cells are inoculated into liquid medium. Sometimes, people who don't know about this unusual life style may end up being fooled."

Why can't I purchase this strain?

The availability of UTEX algal strains changes on occasion; cultures may be temporarily deactivated in the online catalog if they are not considered to be healthy or if they are being cleaned for contaminants. Depending on the degree of attention needed, it may take 4-12 weeks before a culture is recovered and added back to the list of active strains.

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