October 25th |  Teaching Kit: NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars | H. pluvialis (Space-flown VS Earthbound)

October 25th | Teaching Kit: NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars | H. pluvialis (Space-flown VS Earthbound)

UTEX 2505 Haematococcus pluvialis hitched a ride on the SpaceX Dragon Cargo Spacecraft thanks to Lyndsay Baker, a graduate of Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) in Iowa, to test how the strain would react in a microgravity environment. This alga, when stressed, creates an antioxidant with known benefits to human health and could potentially become a countermeasure for long-duration space exploration.

Available October 25th, this teaching kit includes 1-Liter of MES-Volvox Culture Media, and both copies of the H. pluvialis strains: one (1) tube of UTEX B 3087 H. pluvialis—the variant (#PLUVI) that has flown in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS), and one (1) tube of UTEX 2505 H. pluvialis—the original earthbound strain.

Posted: October 23, 2019

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