Navicula trivialis

Condition: Xenic

Medium Type: Liquid

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View General Maintenance Conditions

Algae Details

UTEX Number: FD392
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Strain: Navicula trivialis
Medium: CR1-S Diatom Medium (CR1-S)
Origin: Iowa, USA
Description of Location:
Type Culture: No
Isolation: D. Czarnecki (8/25/97)
Isolator Number: L1537
Deposition: D. Czarnecki (4/5/06)
Also Known As:
Notes: 30µm length

About The Freshwater Diatoms (FD) Collection

David B. Czarnecki began collecting and studying freshwater diatoms as a graduate student. His collection moved with him to Loras College in 1984, where it was named and recognized universally among freshwater diatomists as the Loras College Freshwater Diatom Culture Collection. The Collection was maintained through grants to Loras College from the Iowa Science Foundation and the Iowa College Foundation.

In February 2006 Dr. Czarnecki requested that The Loras College Freshwater Diatom Collection be transferred from Loras College to UTEX. Loras College subsequently donated the entire collection to UTEX as a gift. Dr. Czarnecki died in May 2006. Strains from his collection that are maintained at UTEX will continue to be listed as the Loras College Freshwater Diatom Culture Collection in memory of Dave Czarnecki's service to the community of freshwater diatomists.

View other strains in this collection

Strains that belong to the Freshwater Diatom Collection (designated 'FD' in UTEX number) will require a minimum of 4-weeks to grow out before shipment.

General Long-Term Maintenance Conditions

Temperature: 20 °C
Light source: mix of warm-white & cool-white fluorescent lamps
Intensity: 3200 lux (maximum)
Periodicity: 12/12 h L/D

Those who receive cultures are encouraged to duplicate within reason the long-term maintenance conditions used in the Collection, when handling newly acquired cultures, to reduce the chance of losing the culture. After a stock culture is established, subcultures may be used for testing other conditions. These general maintenance conditions are not our recommendations to achieve optimal growth rates and large quantities of algae. Information on the best growth conditions and media must be acquired in other literature or through careful experimentation. For additional details on the long-term culture maintenance conditions utilized at UTEX, visit the Culture Maintenance Guides page.

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