UTEX LB 1077
Closterium acerosum

Condition: Xenic

Medium Type: Liquid

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Algae Details

UTEX Number: 1077
Class: Chlorophyceae
Strain: Closterium acerosum
Medium: Modified Bold 3N Medium (MB3N)
Description of Location:
Type Culture: No
Isolation: P.W. Cook
Isolator Number: 3C
Also Known As:
Notes: homothallic

Why can't I purchase this strain?

The availability of UTEX algal strains changes on occasion; cultures may be temporarily deactivated in the online catalog if they are not considered to be healthy or if they are being cleaned for contaminants. Depending on the degree of attention needed, it may take 4-12 weeks before a culture is recovered and added back to the list of active strains.

We encourage you to explore and learn about the many diverse strains in the Collection. If a particular strain is unavailable for purchase, enter your e-mail address above to be placed on a notification list, and UTEX will contact you when it is placed back into active circulation.

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