Chlorella vulgaris

Condition: Axenic

Medium Type: Agar Slant

DNA Sequence Available

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Algae Details

UTEX Number: 30
Class: Chlorophyceae
Strain: Chlorella vulgaris
DNA Sequence: Type -ITS | GenBank -KY229186 | Blast - KY229186
Medium: Proteose Medium (Pr)
Description of Location:
Type Culture: Yes
Isolation: R. Chodat
Isolator Number: 45
Deposition: CCAP (1952-5)
Relatives: CCAP 211/12 Geneva 45 aka Meyer 2; SAG 211-12 aka C. vulgaris var. vulgaris; ATCC 16487; CAUP H 1917
Also Known As: formerly C. vulgaris var. viridis (Starr & Zeikus 1987); C. infusionum (Shihira & Krauss 1965)
Notes: physiology/biochemistry/taxonomy (Kessler & Huss 1992); (Winokur 1948); The names of the Chlorella strains given in the last list of cultures (Starr & Zeikus 1987) were based primarily upon the taxonomic treatments of Kessler & Maifarth (1960), Kessler & Soeder (1962), Fott & Novakova (1969) and Kessler (1976). In 1992, Kessler & Huss revised the names of axenic UTEX cultures. Subsequently, most of the changes, but not all, were accepted and incorporated in the UTEX list. "[K&H]" tags the 1992 identifications of Kessler & Huss.

General Maintenance Conditions

Temperature: 20 °C
Light source: mix of warm-white & cool-white fluorescent lamps
Intensity: 3200 lux (maximum)
Periodicity: 12/12 h L/D

Those who receive cultures are encouraged to duplicate within reason the conditions used in the Collection, when handling newly acquired cultures, to reduce the chance of losing the culture. After a stock culture is established, subcultures may be used for testing other conditions. These general maintenance conditions are not our recommendations to achieve optimal growth rates and large quantities of algae. Information on the best growth conditions and media must be acquired in other literature or through careful experimentation. For additional details on the long-term culture maintenance conditions utilized at UTEX, visit the Culture Maintenance Guides page.

Preparation of Living Algal Strains For Orders

For agar cultures, strains are transferred to the surface of fresh agar slants in 20 mm diamter glass screw-cap tubes in preparation for shipment. The fresh inocula are grown in a diurnal light cycle for at least 3 days until a macroscopically visible lawn appears.

Agar and liquid cultures are packaged within a Styrofoam box and shipped the same day they are packaged.

One tube of agar or liquid culture constitutes an order for a single culture of a single strain of living algae. UTEX makes no attempt to quantify the number of organisms or other characteristics of the culture. UTEX only guarantees the identity of the organism as specified in the strain history.

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