"It was a true pleasure for the Phycological Society of America to recognize the UTEX Culture Collectionof Algae at its annual meeting in Philadelphia- and quite frankly, the recognition was long overdue. UTEX has long been a valuable resource for the roughly one thousand members of the PSA, not to mention other non-profit and for-profit research and educational organizations. Given the renewed focus on algal products in biotechnology, and their utilization in various forms of basic research, the value of UTEX to the scientific community is quite significant ... Congratulations again on your 40th Anniversary, and a heartfelt thank you from PSA for all that you, other UTEX staff and UTEX curators past and present have provided for the phycological research and education community."
-Dr. Rick Zechman, President of the PSA
The University of Texas at Austin is recognized globally as a hub for algae-based research and biotechnology development. Cultures in the UT Collection are used for a wide variety of projects on campus and throughout the world — supporting research needs of world-class scientists, students, national labs, and industry.