Cultures are only shipped on Mondays (or Tuesday following a Monday holiday) unless requested by the customer and approved by the Business Manager. No cultures are shipped during the weeks of Christmas and New Year's Day.
When an order is received by Wednesday 5pm CST/CDT of a given week, it can generally be sent on the following Monday. If an order includes items that require longer preparation times, the shipment is delayed until all of the items can be packaged and shipped at the same time.
Some countries have restrictions that limit, control, or prohibit the import of living algae. It is the responsibility of the customer to know which laws apply to the country that is to receive the shipment. Shipments to some countries must include an import permit to ensure that the shipment will not be confiscated in transit. The official permit may be prepared by the purchaser and sent via email to Please include your order number in the email subject or body of text.
UTEX will provide replacement cultures to customers if their order has been affected by one of the two issues listed below: