The University of Texas at Austin is currently operating under “Campus Open Status: Level 3-Ultralow Density”. This has affected UTEX’s normal business hours, limiting available reservations to between 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM Monday-Thursday.
Complete the Symptom Survey in the Protect Texas Together app to determine if you are eligible for a "Campus Access Granted" pass.
NOTE: Failure to forward a screenshot of your "Campus Access Granted" to the Curator at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your reservations will result in its immediate cancellation.
The Biological Labs building may have entry restrictions requiring you to scan your UT ID at the celebrated entrance. You must bring your UT ID with you to enter the building. You will also need to check with your PI to ensure you have been added to the building's authorized entry list or else the doors will not unlock. UTEX will not open the doors for you if you forget.
Use the link provided in the invitation email to access your specific UTEX lab contact tracing form. You can add the contact form link to your home screen for quick access.
You are responsible for disinfecting your work area and all surfaces/equipment you have handled with 70% Ethanol before leaving. The use of the equipment/lab space is a privilege that can be revoked at any time for non-compliance.
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